
Request 614941 superseded

Clean up spec file


dl iw's avatar
author source maintainer

Compiles and runs fine on Leap 15.0, should not be excluded.

Also I see no difference between this package and gens-opengl (also before my specfile changes). Both versions support OpenGL. The package "gens-opengl" probably can be removed.

dl iw's avatar
author source maintainer

It does build on Tumbleweed (locally). There currently is a problem with the build service. The error is "Invalid type 'Q' in pack at /.build/computeblocklists line 113"

Request History
dl iw's avatar

dliw created request

Clean up spec file

Klaus Kämpf's avatar

kwk declined request

Does not build on Tumbleweed

dl iw's avatar

dliw reopened request

Now builds on Tumbleweed :)

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