
Request 616280 superseded

- watchman_4.7.0_makefile-am.diff: dropped, included in tarball by now
- 0001-Replaced-memset-calls-with-appopriate-C-11-init-or-a.patch: fix invalid
raw memory accesses of non-POD objects, fixes ppc build.
- 0002-Re-worked-replacement-of-memset-with-proper-init-to-.patch: fix
compiler errors introduced by the above patch ...
- update to version 4.9.0:
- Changes in 4.8.0:
* New command `flush-subscriptions` to synchronize subscriptions associated
with the current session.
* Enforce socket Unix groups more strongly — Watchman will now refuse to start
if it couldn't gain the right group memberships, as can happen for sites that
are experiencing intermittent LDAP connectivity problems.
* pywatchman now officially supports Python 3. pywatchman will return Unicode
strings (possibly with surrogate escapes) by default, but can optionally return
bytestrings. Note that on Python 3, pywatchman requires Watchman 4.8 and above.
The Python 2 interface and requirements remain unchanged.
* Prior to 4.8, methods on the Java WatchmanClient that returned
ListenableFutures would swallow exceptions and hang in an unfinished state
under situations like socket closure or thread death. This has been fixed, and
now ListenableFutures propagate exception conditions immediately. (Note that
this is typically unrecoverable, and users should create a new WatchmanClient
to re-establish communication with Watchman.) See #412.
* The minimum Java version for the Watchman Java client has always been 1.7,
but it was incorrectly described to be 1.6. The Java client's build file has
been fixed accordingly.
* Watchman was converted from C to C++. The conversion exposed several
concurrency bugs, all of which have now been fixed.
* Subscription queries are now executed in the context of the client thread,
which means that subscriptions are dispatched in parallel. Previously,
subscriptions would be serially dispatched and block the disk IO thread.

Request History
Matthias Gerstner's avatar

mgerstner created request

- watchman_4.7.0_makefile-am.diff: dropped, included in tarball by now
- 0001-Replaced-memset-calls-with-appopriate-C-11-init-or-a.patch: fix invalid
raw memory accesses of non-POD objects, fixes ppc build.
- 0002-Re-worked-replacement-of-memset-with-proper-init-to-.patch: fix
compiler errors introduced by the above patch ...
- update to version 4.9.0:
- Changes in 4.8.0:
* New command `flush-subscriptions` to synchronize subscriptions associated
with the current session.
* Enforce socket Unix groups more strongly — Watchman will now refuse to start
if it couldn't gain the right group memberships, as can happen for sites that
are experiencing intermittent LDAP connectivity problems.
* pywatchman now officially supports Python 3. pywatchman will return Unicode
strings (possibly with surrogate escapes) by default, but can optionally return
bytestrings. Note that on Python 3, pywatchman requires Watchman 4.8 and above.
The Python 2 interface and requirements remain unchanged.
* Prior to 4.8, methods on the Java WatchmanClient that returned
ListenableFutures would swallow exceptions and hang in an unfinished state
under situations like socket closure or thread death. This has been fixed, and
now ListenableFutures propagate exception conditions immediately. (Note that
this is typically unrecoverable, and users should create a new WatchmanClient
to re-establish communication with Watchman.) See #412.
* The minimum Java version for the Watchman Java client has always been 1.7,
but it was incorrectly described to be 1.6. The Java client's build file has
been fixed accordingly.
* Watchman was converted from C to C++. The conversion exposed several
concurrency bugs, all of which have now been fixed.
* Subscription queries are now executed in the context of the client thread,
which means that subscriptions are dispatched in parallel. Previously,
subscriptions would be serially dispatched and block the disk IO thread.

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factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

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factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

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factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

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staging-bot added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:94"

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staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:94

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

namtrac declined review

Please protect "%dir %{_tmpfilesdir}" by an %if/%endif just for <= SLE12-SP2

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

namtrac declined request

Please protect "%dir %{_tmpfilesdir}" by an %if/%endif just for <= SLE12-SP2

Matthias Gerstner's avatar

mgerstner superseded request

superseded by 617742

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