
Request 620182 accepted

- CHANGES IN R 3.5.1 :
* file("stdin") is no longer considered seekable.
* dput() and dump() are no longer truncating when
options(deparse.max.lines = *) is set.
* Calls with an S3 class are no longer evaluated when printed,
fixing part of PR#17398, thanks to a patch from Lionel Henry.
* Allow file argument of Rscript to include space even when it is
first on the command line.
* callNextMethod() uses the generic from the environment of the
calling method. Reported by Herv'e Pag`es with well documented
* Compressed file connections are marked as blocking.
* optim(*, lower = c(-Inf, -Inf)) no longer warns (and switches the
method), thanks to a suggestion by John Nash.
* predict(fm, newdata) is now correct also for models where the
formula has terms such as splines::ns(..) or stats::poly(..),
fixing PR#17414, based on a patch from Duncan Murdoch.
* simulate.lm(glm(*, gaussian(link = ))) has been
corrected, fixing PR#17415 thanks to Alex Courtiol.
* unlist(x) no longer fails in some cases of nested empty lists.
Reported by Steven Nydick.
* qr.coef(qr()) now works. Reported by Kun
* The radix sort is robust to vectors with >1 billion elements (but
long vectors are still unsupported). Thanks to Matt Dowle for the
* Terminal connections (e.g., stdin) are no longer buffered. Fixes
* deparse(x), dput(x) and dump() now respect c()'s argument names

Request History
Detlef Steuer's avatar

dsteuer created request

- CHANGES IN R 3.5.1 :
* file("stdin") is no longer considered seekable.
* dput() and dump() are no longer truncating when
options(deparse.max.lines = *) is set.
* Calls with an S3 class are no longer evaluated when printed,
fixing part of PR#17398, thanks to a patch from Lionel Henry.
* Allow file argument of Rscript to include space even when it is
first on the command line.
* callNextMethod() uses the generic from the environment of the
calling method. Reported by Herv'e Pag`es with well documented
* Compressed file connections are marked as blocking.
* optim(*, lower = c(-Inf, -Inf)) no longer warns (and switches the
method), thanks to a suggestion by John Nash.
* predict(fm, newdata) is now correct also for models where the
formula has terms such as splines::ns(..) or stats::poly(..),
fixing PR#17414, based on a patch from Duncan Murdoch.
* simulate.lm(glm(*, gaussian(link = ))) has been
corrected, fixing PR#17415 thanks to Alex Courtiol.
* unlist(x) no longer fails in some cases of nested empty lists.
Reported by Steven Nydick.
* qr.coef(qr()) now works. Reported by Kun
* The radix sort is robust to vectors with >1 billion elements (but
long vectors are still unsupported). Thanks to Matt Dowle for the
* Terminal connections (e.g., stdin) are no longer buffered. Fixes
* deparse(x), dput(x) and dump() now respect c()'s argument names

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