
Request 631735 superseded

- Consolidate libcontainers-{common,image,storage} into one package,
libcontainers-common. That's the way upstream intended all libraries from
github.com/containers to be packaged. It facilitates updating and maintaining
the package, as all configs and manpages come from a central source.
Note that the `storage` binary that previously has been provided by the
libcontainers-storage package is not provided anymore as, despite the claims
in the manpages, it is not intended for production use.

- Make libcontainers-common arch independent.

Request History
Richard Brown's avatar

RBrownSUSE created request

- Consolidate libcontainers-{common,image,storage} into one package,
libcontainers-common. That's the way upstream intended all libraries from
github.com/containers to be packaged. It facilitates updating and maintaining
the package, as all configs and manpages come from a central source.
Note that the `storage` binary that previously has been provided by the
libcontainers-storage package is not provided anymore as, despite the claims
in the manpages, it is not intended for production use.

- Make libcontainers-common arch independent.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

namtrac accepted review

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staging-bot set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:E as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:E"

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staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:E

Richard Brown's avatar

RBrownSUSE superseded request

superseded by 631824

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