
Request 638355 accepted

- update to version 0.10.9:
* Enhancements
+ differentiate() and differentiate() are newly added. (GH1332) By
Keisuke Fujii.
+ Default colormap for sequential and divergent data can now be
set via set_options() (GH2394) By Julius Busecke.
+ min_count option is newly supported in sum(), prod() and sum(),
and prod(). (GH2230) By Keisuke Fujii.
+ plot() now accepts the kwargs xscale, yscale, xlim, ylim,
xticks, yticks just like Pandas. Also xincrease=False,
yincrease=False now use matplotlib’s axis inverting methods
instead of setting limits. By Deepak Cherian. (GH2224)
+ DataArray coordinates and Dataset coordinates and data variables
are now displayed as a b … y z rather than a b c d …. (GH1186)
By Seth P.
+ A new CFTimeIndex-enabled cftime_range() function for use in
generating dates from standard or non-standard calendars. By
Spencer Clark.
+ When interpolating over a datetime64 axis, you can now provide a
datetime string instead of a datetime64
object. E.g. da.interp(time='1991-02-01') (GH2284) By Deepak
+ A clear error message is now displayed if a set or dict is
passed in place of an array (GH2331) By Maximilian Roos.
+ Applying unstack to a large DataArray or Dataset is now much
faster if the MultiIndex has not been modified after stacking
the indices. (GH1560) By Maximilian Maahn.
+ You can now control whether or not to offset the coordinates
when using the roll method and the current behavior, coordinates
rolled by default, raises a deprecation warning unless

Request History
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv created request

- update to version 0.10.9:
* Enhancements
+ differentiate() and differentiate() are newly added. (GH1332) By
Keisuke Fujii.
+ Default colormap for sequential and divergent data can now be
set via set_options() (GH2394) By Julius Busecke.
+ min_count option is newly supported in sum(), prod() and sum(),
and prod(). (GH2230) By Keisuke Fujii.
+ plot() now accepts the kwargs xscale, yscale, xlim, ylim,
xticks, yticks just like Pandas. Also xincrease=False,
yincrease=False now use matplotlib’s axis inverting methods
instead of setting limits. By Deepak Cherian. (GH2224)
+ DataArray coordinates and Dataset coordinates and data variables
are now displayed as a b … y z rather than a b c d …. (GH1186)
By Seth P.
+ A new CFTimeIndex-enabled cftime_range() function for use in
generating dates from standard or non-standard calendars. By
Spencer Clark.
+ When interpolating over a datetime64 axis, you can now provide a
datetime string instead of a datetime64
object. E.g. da.interp(time='1991-02-01') (GH2284) By Deepak
+ A clear error message is now displayed if a set or dict is
passed in place of an array (GH2331) By Maximilian Roos.
+ Applying unstack to a large DataArray or Dataset is now much
faster if the MultiIndex has not been modified after stacking
the indices. (GH1560) By Maximilian Maahn.
+ You can now control whether or not to offset the coordinates
when using the roll method and the current behavior, coordinates
rolled by default, raises a deprecation warning unless

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