
Request 644490 superseded

- Upgrade to v239 (commit 6d8584e7e8e5d13d2bab49b9e6f6d2ec39759978)


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
found conflict of openresolv-3.9.0-1.1.noarch with systemd-239-2.2.i586:
  - /usr/sbin/resolvconf
found conflict of shepherd-bins-0.4.0-1.1.i586 with systemd-mini-sysvinit-239-2.2.i586:
  - /usr/sbin/halt
  - /usr/sbin/reboot
  - /usr/sbin/shutdown

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

That is not really new, is it.. strange this was not caught previously when shepherd was added.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

is IS new - as systemd-mini did not have those files bevore... and shepherd-bins is 'only' conflicting with systemd, not with systemd-mini

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

Would making systemd-mini-sysvinit provide "systemd-sysvinit" help ?

Actually all "mini" versions should provide the functionality of their counterpart.

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

It looks like shepherd-bins is installed in a chroot environment. does anybody know why ?

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

Not sure why you think so. The bot checks all packages in the distro against each others

Franck Bui's avatar
author source maintainer

I wasn't aware that the bot does that actually.

This should be a problem since all *-mini variants should have files that conflict with their counterpart, no ?

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

use single [ and change the expression to use ||. if you use && and the condition fails the whole script fails.

Franck Bui's avatar

I don't think you need to use || here, using && should be fine and should make the whole expression much more readable IMHO.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

No, @lnussel is right here...

if you use ^^, you end up with:

#[ -w /test ] && echo writable
# echo $?

(if /test is not writable - the exit code of the script would be 1, meaning an error for rpm)

Franck Bui's avatar

I was assuming rpm was using "set -e" when running its scriptlets. If so I don't think the code snippet you showed won't trigger an error.

Franck Bui's avatar


Thomas Blume's avatar
author source maintainer

just to make sure, you mean something like that:

[ ! -w %{_sysconfdir}/machine-id ] || chmod 444 %{_sysconfdir}/machine-id


Request History
Franck Bui's avatar

fbui created request

- Upgrade to v239 (commit 6d8584e7e8e5d13d2bab49b9e6f6d2ec39759978)

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

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