
Request 711170 accepted

Fixes for various CVEs made public today.

- api: disallow virConnect*HypervisorCPU,
virConnectGetDomainCapabilities, virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML,
and virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc on read-only connections
aed6a032-CVE-2019-10161.patch, db0b7845-CVE-2019-10166.patch,
8afa68ba-CVE-2019-10167.patch, bf6c2830-CVE-2019-10168.patch
CVE-2019-10161, CVE-2019-10166, CVE-2019-10167, CVE-2019-10168
bsc#1138301, bsc#1138302, bsc#1138303, bsc#1138305

- Drop systemd BuildRequires: there is already pkgconfig(systemd)
present, which is the same package.

Request History
James Fehlig's avatar

jfehlig created request

Fixes for various CVEs made public today.

- api: disallow virConnect*HypervisorCPU,
virConnectGetDomainCapabilities, virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML,
and virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc on read-only connections
aed6a032-CVE-2019-10161.patch, db0b7845-CVE-2019-10166.patch,
8afa68ba-CVE-2019-10167.patch, bf6c2830-CVE-2019-10168.patch
CVE-2019-10161, CVE-2019-10166, CVE-2019-10167, CVE-2019-10168
bsc#1138301, bsc#1138302, bsc#1138303, bsc#1138305

- Drop systemd BuildRequires: there is already pkgconfig(systemd)
present, which is the same package.

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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