
Request 727642 accepted

- 0005-nfs.conf-fail-to-disable-major-NFS-version-4-using-v.patch
Fix a bug that cause NFSv4 service to always be enabled, if
the server was enabled at all.

- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by
firewalld, see [1].
[1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html

- remove libnfsidmap1 dependency for nfs-client.
It isn't needed.

- Remove service aliases - these files are deleted.
Now the upstream standard service names "nfs-client" and "nfs-server"
must be used.

- 0004-nfsidmap-honour-with-pluginpath-for-instalation.patch
Allow plugins to be installed properly
- nfs-utils.spec
Package shared library correctly

- 0001-nfs.conf-allow-empty-assignments.patch
Fix regression due to unnecessary "error" messages from nfs.conf
- 0002-Let-systemd-know-when-rpc.statd-is-needed.patch
Fixes for systemd integration


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

I have no reason to believe the old issues around LVM/install are fixed

Neil Brown's avatar
author source maintainer

LVM? how is that relevant. There was a problem with mount hanging when the nfs server was configured with yast2. That might be because NFSv4 wasn't being disabled properly. I don't have high hopes, but it seems worth testing.

I tried duplicating the problem locally and it all seemed to work as expected - except that nfsv4 wasn't being disabled.

Can we run the test anyway? If it doesn't work I should have more time to engage with it now.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

indeed, not LVM / NFS tests was meant to be true.. if you think it's worthy to test it again, I'll offer it a staging.. let's see

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

openQA is still failing with this version of nfs-utils:


We did test removing fsid=0 (as suggested), but that did not make a change

Request History
Neil Brown's avatar

neilbrown created request

- 0005-nfs.conf-fail-to-disable-major-NFS-version-4-using-v.patch
Fix a bug that cause NFSv4 service to always be enabled, if
the server was enabled at all.

- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by
firewalld, see [1].
[1]: https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/2019-01/msg00490.html

- remove libnfsidmap1 dependency for nfs-client.
It isn't needed.

- Remove service aliases - these files are deleted.
Now the upstream standard service names "nfs-client" and "nfs-server"
must be used.

- 0004-nfsidmap-honour-with-pluginpath-for-instalation.patch
Allow plugins to be installed properly
- nfs-utils.spec
Package shared library correctly

- 0001-nfs.conf-allow-empty-assignments.patch
Fix regression due to unnecessary "error" messages from nfs.conf
- 0002-Let-systemd-know-when-rpc.statd-is-needed.patch
Fixes for systemd integration

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

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