
Request 734688 superseded

- Update to version 0.4.9
* [Sec] libmodplug: C API: Limit the length of strings copied to
the output buffer of ModPlug_InstrumentName() and
ModPlug_SampleName() to 32 bytes (including terminating null)
as is done by original libmodplug. This avoids potential buffer
overflows in software relying on this limit instead of querying
the required buffer size beforehand. libopenmpt can return
strings longer than 32 bytes here beacuse the internal limit of
32 bytes applies to strings encoded in arbitrary character
encodings but the API returns them converted to UTF-8, which
can be longer. (reported by Antonio Morales Maldonado of Semmle
Security Research Team) (r12129)
* [Sec] libmodplug: C++ API: Do not return 0 in
CSoundFile::GetSampleName() and CSoundFile::GetInstrumentName()
when a null output pointer is provided. This behaviour differed
from libmodplug and made it impossible to determine the
required buffer size. (r12130)
- Update to version 0.4.8:
* [Sec] Possible crash due to out-of-bounds read when playing an
OPL note with active filter in S3M or MPTM files (r12118).
- Update to version 0.4.7:
* J2B: Ignore notes with non-existing instrument
(fixes Ending.j2b)

Request History
Mia Herkt's avatar

lachs0r created request

- Update to version 0.4.9
* [Sec] libmodplug: C API: Limit the length of strings copied to
the output buffer of ModPlug_InstrumentName() and
ModPlug_SampleName() to 32 bytes (including terminating null)
as is done by original libmodplug. This avoids potential buffer
overflows in software relying on this limit instead of querying
the required buffer size beforehand. libopenmpt can return
strings longer than 32 bytes here beacuse the internal limit of
32 bytes applies to strings encoded in arbitrary character
encodings but the API returns them converted to UTF-8, which
can be longer. (reported by Antonio Morales Maldonado of Semmle
Security Research Team) (r12129)
* [Sec] libmodplug: C++ API: Do not return 0 in
CSoundFile::GetSampleName() and CSoundFile::GetInstrumentName()
when a null output pointer is provided. This behaviour differed
from libmodplug and made it impossible to determine the
required buffer size. (r12130)
- Update to version 0.4.8:
* [Sec] Possible crash due to out-of-bounds read when playing an
OPL note with active filter in S3M or MPTM files (r12118).
- Update to version 0.4.7:
* J2B: Ignore notes with non-existing instrument
(fixes Ending.j2b)

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scarabeus_iv superseded request

superseded by 736008

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