
Request 805758 accepted

- Update to version 4.6.0
* New generic algorithms for sending and receiving multipart messages
* New to_string and to_string_view member functions in message_t
* Less surprising behaviour when move assigning socket_t and context_t
* Return types for send and recv moved into zmq namespace
* Checks for 32/64bit-ness in cppzmqConfigVersion.cmake removed
* fixed issues when compiling with C++11
* fixed and improved cmake build (in and out of source builds, libzmq discovery, fallback to pkg-config and more)
* updated README.md with clear design goals, supported platforms
* official CI support for Linux, MacOS and Windows
* unit tests infrastructure
* test code coverage brought to 77%
* updated code style (more details in .clang-format)
* socket_t:
+ added support for draft ZMQ_SERVER and ZMQ_CLIENT sockets
+ added support for draft ZMQ_RADIO and ZMQ_DISH sockets
* poller_t:
+ poller_t became thin abstraction layer on zmq_poller_*
+ functionality with std::function handlers split and moved to a new active_poller_t in zmq_addon.hpp
+ simpler and safer implementation
+ made non-copyable, but properly movable
+ more consistent and robust error handling
+ event type part of handler definition
+ fixed a segfault issue when modifying poller_t from a handler
+ added empty method indicating presence of registered sockets
* context_t:
+ added methods for context options: setctxopt(int option_, int optval_) and int getctxopt(int option_)
* message_t:
+ easier construction from iterable type e.g. std::string, std::array
+ added != and == operators and equals method marked as deprecated

Request History
Adrian Schröter's avatar

adrianSuSE created request

- Update to version 4.6.0
* New generic algorithms for sending and receiving multipart messages
* New to_string and to_string_view member functions in message_t
* Less surprising behaviour when move assigning socket_t and context_t
* Return types for send and recv moved into zmq namespace
* Checks for 32/64bit-ness in cppzmqConfigVersion.cmake removed
* fixed issues when compiling with C++11
* fixed and improved cmake build (in and out of source builds, libzmq discovery, fallback to pkg-config and more)
* updated README.md with clear design goals, supported platforms
* official CI support for Linux, MacOS and Windows
* unit tests infrastructure
* test code coverage brought to 77%
* updated code style (more details in .clang-format)
* socket_t:
+ added support for draft ZMQ_SERVER and ZMQ_CLIENT sockets
+ added support for draft ZMQ_RADIO and ZMQ_DISH sockets
* poller_t:
+ poller_t became thin abstraction layer on zmq_poller_*
+ functionality with std::function handlers split and moved to a new active_poller_t in zmq_addon.hpp
+ simpler and safer implementation
+ made non-copyable, but properly movable
+ more consistent and robust error handling
+ event type part of handler definition
+ fixed a segfault issue when modifying poller_t from a handler
+ added empty method indicating presence of registered sockets
* context_t:
+ added methods for context options: setctxopt(int option_, int optval_) and int getctxopt(int option_)
* message_t:
+ easier construction from iterable type e.g. std::string, std::array
+ added != and == operators and equals method marked as deprecated

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dimstar_suse added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:27"

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dimstar_suse accepted review

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:27 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:27 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:27 got accepted.

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