Revisions of noUSDgba

Klaus Kämpf's avatar Klaus Kämpf (kwk) accepted request 810300 from Ryan Bach's avatar Ryan Bach (ryanbach) (revision 4)
16 May 2020 - version 3.02
- 3ds/vfp/help: multiply note about FMUL X,X,X.. and FMAC Y,Y,Y.. (thanks kemal)
- 3ds/gpu/help: added triangle drawing examples (thanks to profi200 for help)
- 3ds/gpu/help: created I/O map chapters for gpu internal/external registers
- 3ds/gpu/help: renamed several registers, especially ATTR_BUF related ones
- 3ds/gpu/help: swapped/renamed width and height to match up with actual usage
- 3ds/gpu/help: important details/corrections for rendering pipeline registers
- 3ds/gpu/help: better GPUREG_IRQ_xxx and GPU_MEMCOPY descriptions
- 3ds/gpu/help: info on undocumented flat shading and striped/dotted modes
- 3ds/gpu/help: info on undocumented memory traffic and vertex/polygon counters
- 3ds/gpu/help: added undocumented gpu register stubs (inside of gpu chapters)
- 3ds/gpu/help: started to rewrite and rearrange unclear gpu descriptions
- 3ds/gpu/help: removed meaningless sentences alike this register is used to...
- 3ds/gpu/help: removed nonsense definitions alike unsigned 1bit enable flag
- 3ds/gpu/help: gpu external registers: added memory control/status registers
- a22i/float: .float16/24/32/64/80 supports multiple operands (using commas)
Klaus Kämpf's avatar Klaus Kämpf (kwk) accepted request 641963 from Ryan Bach's avatar Ryan Bach (ryanbach) (revision 3)
30 Sep 2018 - version 2.9b

	- web: created no$project patreon page,
- dsi/emu: allows 8bit vram writes on dsi (if enabled in SCFG_EXT9.bit13)
- dsi/help: added note on dsi debug blowfish key used when SCFG_OP nonzero
- carthdr/help: added carthdr[0B0h] "DoNotZeroFillMem"=unlaunch fastboot ID
- dma/help: added note on dma-fill via 40000Exh being slower than stmia/ndma
- dsi/help: added note on broken cameras being more common than unknown cameras
- dsi/tsc/iomap: shows tsc page 0,1,3 registers (page 3 is hidden in aes tab)
- dsi/tsc/emu: basic emulation for reading/writing tsc page 0,1,3 registers
- dsi/startdirect: initializes GPIO registers (sound,powerbutt,wifimode)
- a22i: throws error message on forward references within .pack blocks
- nds/cart: supports flashcarts with arm9 code below offset 4000h (ievolution)
- nds/bugfix: resurrected BG0CNT/BG1CNT.bit13 (unlike GBA) (thanks chocoreep)
- dsi/help: info about ST NAND02G AH0LZC5 emmc chips (thanks barawer+trade girl)
- dsi/emmc: emulates different eMMC CSD's (matched to four known eMMC CID's)
Ulrich Hecht's avatar Ulrich Hecht (Ulih) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 4 revisions
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