Revisions of python-xarray

Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) committed (revision 18)
- update to version 0.12.2:
 - New functions/methods:
  - Two new functions, :py:func:`~xarray.combine_nested` and
    :py:func:`~xarray.combine_by_coords`, allow for combining datasets along any
    number of dimensions, instead of the one-dimensional list of datasets
    supported by :py:func:`~xarray.concat`.
    The new ``combine_nested`` will accept the datasets as a nested
    list-of-lists, and combine by applying a series of concat and merge
    operations. The new ``combine_by_coords`` instead uses the dimension
    coordinates of datasets to order them.
    :py:func:`~xarray.open_mfdataset` can use either ``combine_nested`` or
    ``combine_by_coords`` to combine datasets along multiple dimensions, by
    specifying the argument ``combine='nested'`` or ``combine='by_coords'``.
    The older function :py:func:`~xarray.auto_combine` has been deprecated,
    because its functionality has been subsumed by the new functions.
    To avoid FutureWarnings switch to using ``combine_nested`` or
    ``combine_by_coords``, (or set the ``combine`` argument in
    ``open_mfdataset``). (:issue:`2159`)
    By `Tom Nicholas <>`_.
  - :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.rolling_exp` and
    :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.rolling_exp` added, similar to pandas'
    ``pd.DataFrame.ewm`` method. Calling ``.mean`` on the resulting object
    will return an exponentially weighted moving average.
    By `Maximilian Roos <>`_.
  - New :py:func:`DataArray.str <core.accessor_str.StringAccessor>` for string
    related manipulations, based on ``pandas.Series.str``.
    By `0x0L <>`_.
  - Added ``strftime`` method to ``.dt`` accessor, making it simpler to hand a
    datetime ``DataArray`` to other code expecting formatted dates and times.
    (:issue:`2090`). :py:meth:`~xarray.CFTimeIndex.strftime` is also now
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 705797 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 17)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 705725 from Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) (revision 16)
fix building on ARM
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 697053 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 15)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) committed (revision 14)
- Just use %pytest macro
Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) committed (revision 13)
- update to version 0.11.3:
 - Bug fixes
  - Saving files with times encoded with reference dates with timezones
    (e.g. '2000-01-01T00:00:00-05:00') no longer raises an error
  - Fixed performance regression with ``open_mfdataset`` (:issue:`2662`).
  - Fixed supplying an explicit dimension in the ``concat_dim`` argument to
    to ``open_mfdataset`` (:issue:`2647`).
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 685723 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 12)
baserev update by copy to link target
Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) accepted request 685681 from Arun Persaud's avatar Arun Persaud (apersaud) (revision 11)
update to latest version
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 674708 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 10)
baserev update by copy to link target
Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) accepted request 674693 from Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) (revision 9)
- update to version 0.11.3
- Fix build errors
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 667881 from Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) (revision 8)
baserev update by copy to link target
Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) committed (revision 7)
- update to version 0.11.2:
 - Removes inadvertently introduced setup dependency on pytest-runner (:issue:`2641`). Otherwise, this release is exactly equivalent to 0.11.1.
 - Warning:
  - This is the last xarray release that will support Python 2.7. Future releases will be Python 3 only, but older versions of xarray will always be available for Python 2.7 users. For the more details, see:
- update to version 0.11.1:
 - Breaking changes
  - Minimum rasterio version increased from 0.36 to 1.0 (for open_rasterio)
  - Time bounds variables are now also decoded according to CF conventions (:issue:`2565`). The previous behavior was to decode them only if they had specific time attributes, now these attributes are copied automatically from the corresponding time coordinate. This might brake downstream code that was relying on these variables to be not decoded. By Fabien Maussion.
 - Enhancements
  - Ability to read and write consolidated metadata in zarr stores (:issue:`2558`). By Ryan Abernathey.
  - :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` uses slicing for string indexing when possible (like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`), which avoids unnecessary copies. By Stephan Hoyer
  - Enable passing or rasterio.vrt.WarpedVRT to open_rasterio instead of file path string. Allows for in-memory reprojection, see (:issue:`2588`). By Scott Henderson.
  - Like :py:class:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`, :py:class:`CFTimeIndex` now supports "dayofyear" and "dayofweek" accessors (:issue:`2597`). Note this requires a version of cftime greater than 1.0.2. By Spencer Clark.
  - The option 'warn_for_unclosed_files' (False by default) has been added to allow users to enable a warning when files opened by xarray are deallocated but were not explicitly closed. This is mostly useful for debugging; we recommend enabling it in your test suites if you use xarray for IO. By Stephan Hoyer
  - Support Dask HighLevelGraphs by Matthew Rocklin.
  - :py:meth:`DataArray.resample` and :py:meth:`Dataset.resample` now supports the loffset kwarg just like Pandas. By Deepak Cherian
  - Datasets are now guaranteed to have a 'source' encoding, so the source file name is always stored (:issue:`2550`). By Tom Nicholas.
  - The apply methods for DatasetGroupBy, DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetResample and DataArrayResample now support passing positional arguments to the applied function as a tuple to the args argument. By Matti Eskelinen.
  - 0d slices of ndarrays are now obtained directly through indexing, rather than extracting and wrapping a scalar, avoiding unnecessary copying. By Daniel Wennberg.
  - Added support for fill_value with :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.shift` and :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.shift` By Maximilian Roos
 - Bug fixes
  - Ensure files are automatically closed, if possible, when no longer referenced by a Python variable (:issue:`2560`). By Stephan Hoyer
  - Fixed possible race conditions when reading/writing to disk in parallel (:issue:`2595`). By Stephan Hoyer
  - Fix h5netcdf saving scalars with filters or chunks (:issue:`2563`). By Martin Raspaud.
  - Fix parsing of _Unsigned attribute set by OPENDAP servers. (:issue:`2583`). By Deepak Cherian
  - Fix failure in time encoding when exporting to netCDF with versions of pandas less than 0.21.1 (:issue:`2623`). By Spencer Clark.
  - Fix MultiIndex selection to update label and level (:issue:`2619`). By Keisuke Fujii.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 648780 from Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) (revision 6)
baserev update by copy to link target
Sebastian Wagner's avatar Sebastian Wagner (sebix) accepted request 648746 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 5)
- update to version 0.11.0
  * Enhancements
    + xarray.DataArray.plot.line() can now accept multidimensional 
      coordinate variables as input. hue must be a dimension name 
      in this case. (GH2407) By Deepak Cherian.
    + Added support for Python 3.7. (GH2271). By Joe Hamman.
    + Added support for plotting data with pandas.Interval coordinates, 
      such as those created by groupby_bins() By Maximilian Maahn.
    + Added shift() for shifting the values of a CFTimeIndex by a 
      specified frequency. (GH2244). By Spencer Clark.
    + Added support for using cftime.datetime coordinates with 
      differentiate(), differentiate(), interp(), and interp(). 
      By Spencer Clark
    + There is now a global option to either always keep or always 
      discard dataset and dataarray attrs upon operations. The option 
      is set with xarray.set_options(keep_attrs=True), and the default 
      is to use the old behaviour. By Tom Nicholas.
    + Added a new backend for the GRIB file format based on ECMWF 
      cfgrib python driver and ecCodes C-library. (GH2475) By 
      Alessandro Amici, sponsored by ECMWF.
    + Resample now supports a dictionary mapping from dimension to 
      frequency as its first argument, e.g., 
      data.resample({'time': '1D'}).mean(). This is consistent with 
      other xarray functions that accept either dictionaries or 
      keyword arguments. By Stephan Hoyer.
    + The preferred way to access tutorial data is now to load it 
      lazily with xarray.tutorial.open_dataset(). 
      xarray.tutorial.load_dataset() calls Dataset.load() prior to 
      returning (and is now deprecated). This was changed in order 
      to facilitate using tutorial datasets with dask. By Joe Hamman.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 638355 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 4)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 638278 from Arun Persaud's avatar Arun Persaud (apersaud) (revision 3)
update to latest version
Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) committed (revision 2)
converted link to branch
Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) committed (revision 1)
Displaying revisions 81 - 98 of 98
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