
Request 521684 superseded

- Update to version 1.1.7:
* consistently relicense libfluidsynth under LGPL-2.1+
* fluid_synth_set_channel_type() was not exported properly
* fix calculations for modulators
* fix SysEx parsing issues
* fix mangling with illegal sample loops, causing audible glitches
* fix inverse logic of audio.jack.multi option
* fix channel fine tune RPN to use correct range
* fix timing problems when changing the sequencers scale from a callback event
* workaround incorrectly rendered audio when requesting more than 64 frames from fluid_synth_write_*()
* adjust ALSA MIDI port type
* avoid voice_count becoming negative
* avoid notes with a fixed key generator playing forever
* avoid TCP/IP connections from closing in an undefined manner
* a lot of memory leaks, NULL dereferences and SegFaults
* add support of vorbis-compressed sf3 sound fonts
* add sostenuto pedal to the synth
* add vbr quality when encoding with libsndfile
* re-implement routing reverb and chorus to distinct buffers in fluid_synth_nwrite_float()
* add IPv6 support to socket API


Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

Now what we missed before is that all the patch changes need to be mentioned in changelog for tracking purposes. See ie https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/network:chromium/chromium/chromium.changes?expand=1

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

Why are you removing full source url? See https://en.opensuse.org/SourceUrls why that's a bad idea.

Tom Mbrt's avatar

The tarball can be downloaded at https://github.com/FluidSynth/fluidsynth/archive/v1.1.7.tar.gz but if you do you get a file called fluidsynth-1.1.7.tar.gz. I dont know how to convince OBS to use the correct file. Or should I have set up a _service instead?

Request History
Tom Mbrt's avatar

derselbst created request

- Update to version 1.1.7:
* consistently relicense libfluidsynth under LGPL-2.1+
* fluid_synth_set_channel_type() was not exported properly
* fix calculations for modulators
* fix SysEx parsing issues
* fix mangling with illegal sample loops, causing audible glitches
* fix inverse logic of audio.jack.multi option
* fix channel fine tune RPN to use correct range
* fix timing problems when changing the sequencers scale from a callback event
* workaround incorrectly rendered audio when requesting more than 64 frames from fluid_synth_write_*()
* adjust ALSA MIDI port type
* avoid voice_count becoming negative
* avoid notes with a fixed key generator playing forever
* avoid TCP/IP connections from closing in an undefined manner
* a lot of memory leaks, NULL dereferences and SegFaults
* add support of vorbis-compressed sf3 sound fonts
* add sostenuto pedal to the synth
* add vbr quality when encoding with libsndfile
* re-implement routing reverb and chorus to distinct buffers in fluid_synth_nwrite_float()
* add IPv6 support to socket API

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